รหัสวิชา : 712-520
ชื่อวิชา : โภชนศาสตร์
Subject Name : Nutrition Sciences

รหัสวิชา : 712-520    ชื่อวิชา : โภชนศาสตร์   Nutrition Sciences
    ปีการศึกษา : 2559   ภาคการศึกษา : 1

Advanced nutrition and human metabolism2000Groff J L  Link
Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition2000Stipanuk M H  Link
Perspectives in Nutrition[electronic resource1996Wardlaw G  Link
Introduction to nutrition and metabolism2002Bender D A  Link
Nutrition2002Insel P Turner R E  Link
Nutrition Now2011Brown J E  Link
Wardlaw’s perspectives in nutrition2013Byrd Bredbenner C  -
Extruded rice fortified with zinc iron and vitamin A increase zinc status of Thai school childrenwhen incorporated into a school lunch program2013Pinkaew S  -
Vitamin A stability in triple fortified extruded artificial rice grains containing iron zinc and vitamin A2012Pinkaew S  -

Groff J L. 2000. Advanced nutrition and human metabolism.Belmont : Wadsworth.
Stipanuk M H.2000. Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition.Philadelphia : W S Saunders.
Wardlaw G.1996. Perspectives in Nutrition[electronic resource.St.Louis : Times Mirror.
Bender D A.2002.Introduction to nutrition and metabolism.Boca Raton : CRC Press.
Insel P Turner R E. 2002. Nutrition. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Brown J E.2011.Nutrition Now.6th edition.Wadsworth.Canada
Byrd Bredbenner C.2013.Wardlaw’s perspectives in nutrition.9th edition.McGraw Hill.NY.USA.
Pinkaew S.2013.Extruded rice fortified with zinc, iron and vitamin A increase zinc status of Thai school childrenwhen incorporated into a school lunch program.
Pinkaew S. 2012.Vitamin A stability in triple fortified extruded artificial rice grains containing iron zinc and vitamin A.