รหัสวิชา : 730-413
ชื่อวิชา : พันธุศาสตร์การเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ
Subject Name : Genetics in Aquaculture

รหัสวิชา : 730-413    ชื่อวิชา : พันธุศาสตร์การเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ   Genetics in Aquaculture
    ปีการศึกษา : 2558   ภาคการศึกษา : 1

พันธุศาสตร์เชิงชีวเคมี2556จิตติมา เจริญพานิช  Link
อณูพันธุศาสตร์เบื้องต้น มหัศจรรย์ของดีเอ็นเอ2552ตรีทิพย์ รัตนวรชัย  Link
พื้นฐานการคํานวณในงานวิเคราะห์เชิงปริมาณ2551ธีรศักดิ์ โรจนธารา  -
พันธุศาสตร์2541ประดิษฐ์ พงศ์ทองคํา  -
The use of inter-specific hybrids in aquaculture and fisheries2001Bartley, D.M., Rana, K. and Immink, A.J.  -
Molecular genetics in fisheries1995Carvalho, G.R.and Pitcher, T.J.  -
A study of chromosome number and morphology in 7 species of Thai freshwater fish1993Chavananikul, V., Wattanodorn, S.and Wattanavijarn, W.  -
The advantages and disadvantages of being polyploidy2005Comai, L.  -
Molecular diagnosis of fish and shellfish diseases: present status and potential use in disease control2002Cunningham, C.O.  -
Fish Chromosome: Methodology1973Denton, T.E.  -
Sex determination and sex differentiation in fish: an overview of genetic, physiological and environmental influences2002Devlin, R.H.and Nakahama, Y.  -
Aquaculture Biotechnology2012Fletcher, G.L.and Rise, M.W.  Link
Genetic manipulation in aquaculture: a review of stock improvement by classical and modern technologies2001Hulata  -
Genetic engineering by the manipulation of chromosomes1983Purdom, C.E.  -
Genetics and fish breeding1993Purdom, C.E.  Link
Karyotype and genome characterization in four cartilaginous fishes2002Rocco, L., Morescalchi, M.A., Costagliola, D.and Stingo, V.  -
Genetics for aquarists1974Schroder, J.H.  -
Genetic identification of stocks of marine fish and shellfish1998Shaklee, J.B.and Bentzen, P.  -
Goldfish Varieties and Genetics2001Smartt, J.  Link
Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers1993Tave, D.  Link
Proteomics: present and future in fish, shellfish and seafood2012Zhou, X., Ding, Y.and Wang, Y.  -
Aquaculture and Biotechnology1999Karunasagar, I., Karunasagar, I.and Reilly, A.  Link
Genetic bases of fish selection1981Kirpichnikov, V.S.  -
Essentials of Genetics2007Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R.and Spencer, C.A.  Link
The use of gynogenesis in the production of inbred lines for immunological research1990Komen, J., Richter, C.J.J.and van Muiswinkel, W.B.  -
Occurrence of polyploidy in the fishes2003Leggatt, R.A.and Iwama, G.K.  -
Practical Genetics for Aquaculture2001Lutz, C.G.  Link
Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome2002Maclean, N., Rahman, M.A., Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A.and Farahmand, H.  -
Genetic manipulation of sex ratio for the large-scale production of all-male tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus1997Mair, G.C., Abucay, J.S., Skibinski, D.O.F., Abella, T.A.and Beardmore, J.A.  -
The potential impact of modern biotechnology on fish aquaculture2002Melamed, P., Gong, Z., Fletcher, G.and Hew, C.L.  -
Genetic control growth in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)2002Nakajima, M.and Taniguchi, N.  -
Sex Determination in Fish2011Pandian, T.J.  -
Polyploid fish and shellfish: Production, biology and applications toaquaculture for performance improvement and genetic containment2009Piferrer, F., Beaumont, A., Falguière, J.C., Flajšhans, M., Haffray, P.and Colombo, L.  -

จิตติมา เจริญพานิช. 2556. พันธุศาสตร์เชิงชีวเคมี. โอ.เอส.พรินติ้งเฮ้าส์ จํากัด, กรุงเทพฯ.172 น.
ตรีทิพย์ รัตนวรชัย. 2552. อณูพันธุศาสตร์เบื้องต้น มหัศจรรย์ของดีเอ็นเอ.สํานักพิมพ์แห่ง จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย.กรุงเทพฯ. 301 น.
ธีรศักดิ์ โรจนธารา. 2551.พื้นฐานการคํานวณในงานวิเคราะห์เชิงปริมาณ. โรงพิมพ์เพชรเกษม การพิมพ์, นครปฐม. 336 น.
ประดิษฐ์ พงศ์ทองคํา.2541. พันธุศาสตร์. สํานักพิมพ์มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์.กรุงเทพฯ. 398 น.
Bartley, D.M., Rana, K. and Immink, A.J. 2001.The use of inter-specific hybrids in aquaculture and fisheries.Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.10, 325–337.
Carvalho, G.R.and Pitcher, T.J. 1995. Molecular genetics in fisheries.Chapman & Hall, London. 141 p.
Chavananikul, V., Wattanodorn, S.and Wattanavijarn, W. 1993.A study of chromosome number and morphology in 7 species of Thai freshwater fish.Journal of Aquatic Animal diseases. 14(4), 20-34
Comai, L.2005. The advantages and disadvantages of being polyploidy. Nature Reviews/Genetics. 6, 837-846.
Cunningham, C.O.2002. Molecular diagnosis of fish and shellfish diseases: present status and potential use in disease control. Aquaculture.206, 19-55.
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Devlin, R.H.and Nakahama, Y. 2002.Sex determination and sex differentiation in fish: an overview of genetic, physiological and environmental influences.Aquaculture.208, 191-364.
Fletcher, G.L.and Rise, M.W.2012.Aquaculture Biotechnology.Wiley-Blackwell, Ames.
Hulata, 2001. Genetic manipulation in aquaculture: a review of stock improvement by classical and modern technologies. Genetica. 111, 155-173.
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Smartt, J. 2001. Goldfish Varieties and Genetics. Fishing News Books, Oxford. 216 p.
Tave, D.1993.Genetics for Fish Hatchery Managers.Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 415 p.
Zhou, X., Ding, Y.and Wang, Y. 2012. Proteomics: present and future in fish, shellfish and seafood. Reviews in Aquaculture. 4, 11-20.
Karunasagar, I., Karunasagar, I.and Reilly, A. 1999.Aquaculture and Biotechnology.Science Publishers, Inc., New Hampshire. 186 p.
Kirpichnikov, V.S. 1981. Genetic bases of fish selection. Springer-Verlag, New York, 409 p.
Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R.and Spencer, C.A. 2007. Essentials of Genetics. Six Edition. Pearson Educatio International, London.553 p.
Komen, J., Richter, C.J.J.and van Muiswinkel, W.B. 1990.The use of gynogenesis in the production of inbred lines for immunological research.In Techniques in
Leggatt, R.A.and Iwama, G.K. 2003.Occurrence of polyploidy in the fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 13, 237-246.
Lutz, C.G. 2001. Practical Genetics for Aquaculture.Blackwell Science, Oxford.235 p.
Maclean, N., Rahman, M.A., Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A.and Farahmand, H. 2002. Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene. 295, 265-277.
Mair, G.C., Abucay, J.S., Skibinski, D.O.F., Abella, T.A.and Beardmore, J.A. 1997. Genetic manipulation of sex ratio for the large-scale production of all-male tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 54, 396-404.
Melamed, P., Gong, Z., Fletcher, G.and Hew, C.L. 2002. The potential impact of modern biotechnology on fish aquaculture.Aquaculture. 204, 255-269.
Nakajima, M.and Taniguchi, N. 2002. Genetic control growth in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).Aquaculture. 204, 393-405.
Pandian, T.J.2011. Sex Determination in Fish. CRC Press, New York.
Piferrer, F., Beaumont, A., Falguière, J.C., Flajšhans, M., Haffray, P.and Colombo, L. 2009. Polyploid fish and shellfish: Production, biology and applications toaquaculture for performance improvement and genetic containment.Aquaculture. 293, 125-156.