รหัสวิชา : 730-423
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Subject Name : Quality Control in Aquaculture

รหัสวิชา : 730-423    ชื่อวิชา : -   Quality Control in Aquaculture
    ปีการศึกษา : 2558   ภาคการศึกษา : 1

Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture2009Arthur, J.H., Bondad-Reantaso, M.G., Campbell, M.L., Hewitt, C.L., Phillips, M.J.and Subasinghe, R.P.  -
Fish Welfare2008Branson, E.J.  Link
Food Hygiene Auditing1997Chesworth, N.  Link
A qualitative assessment of standards and certification schemes applicable to aquaculture in the Asia–Pacific region2007Corsin, F., Funge-Smith, S.And Clausen, J.  -
Code of conduct for responsible fisheries2000Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  -
Guideline for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries2005Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  -
Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquatic food production2008Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  -
Emerging pathologies in aquaculture: effects on production and food safety2003Ghittino, C., Latini, M., Agnetti, F., Panzieri, C., Lauro, L.and Ciappelloni, R.  -
Public, Animal and Environmental Aquaculture Health Issues2002Jahncke, M.L., Garrett, E.S., Reilly, A., Martin, R.E. and Cole, E.  Link
Farm Fish Quality2001Kestin, S.C.and Warriss, P.D.  -
Improving farmed fish quality and safety2008Lie, o.  Link
Essential of Food Sanitation1997Marriott, N.G.  -
Biosecurity: application in aquaculture2004Pruder, G.D.  -
Improving farmed fish quality and safety2008Qyvind, L.  Link
Food defense in an aquaculture setting2010Rasco, B.and Bledsoe, G.E.  -
Aquaculture Biosecurity: Prevention, Control and eradication of Aquatic Animal Disease2006Scarfe, A.D., Lee, C.S.and O’Bryen, P.J.  Link
Evaluation of biosecurity applications for intensive shrimp farming2003Schuur, A.M.  -
Seafood Traceability in the United States: Current Trends, system design and potential applications2005Thompson, M., Sylvia, G.and Morrissey, M.T.  -
Food Safety Issues associated with Products from Aquaculture1999World Health Organization (WHO)  -

Arthur, J.H., Bondad-Reantaso, M.G., Campbell, M.L., Hewitt, C.L., Phillips, M.J.and Subasinghe, R.P.2009.Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture.Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 113 p.
Branson, E.J.2008.Fish Welfare. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. 300 p.
Chesworth, N. 1997. Food Hygiene Auditing. Chapman & Hall, New York.
Corsin, F., Funge-Smith, S.And Clausen, J. 2007.A qualitative assessment of standards and certification schemes applicable to aquaculture in the Asia–Pacific region.Food and Agriculture Organization, Bangkok.98 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2000. Code of conduct for responsible fisheries. FAO, Rome. 49 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2005. Guideline for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries.FAO, Rome.98 p.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).2008.Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquatic food production.Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 547.FAO.Rome.207 p.
Ghittino, C., Latini, M., Agnetti, F., Panzieri, C., Lauro, L.and Ciappelloni, R. 2003.Emerging pathologies in aquaculture: effects on production and food safety.Veterinary Research Communications 27, 471-479.
Jahncke, M.L., Garrett, E.S., Reilly, A., Martin, R.E. and Cole, E.2002. Public, Animal and Environmental Aquaculture Health Issues.Wiley-Interscience, Danvers.204 p.
Kestin, S.C.and Warriss, P.D.2001.Farm Fish Quality.Fishing News Book, Oxford.
Lie, o. 2008.Improving farmed fish quality and safety. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge.628 p.
Marriott, N.G. 1997. Essential of Food Sanitation. Chapman & Hall, New York.
Pruder, G.D. 2004. Biosecurity: application in aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering. 32, 3-10.
Qyvind, L.2008.Improving farmed fish quality and safety.CRC.Boca Raton.
Rasco, B.and Bledsoe, G.E.2010.Food defense in an aquaculture setting.Journal of The World Aquaculture Society.41(2), 175-191.
Scarfe, A.D., Lee, C.S.and O’Bryen, P.J. 2006. Aquaculture Biosecurity: Prevention, Control and eradication of Aquatic Animal Disease.Blackwell Publishing,Oxford. 182 p.
Schuur, A.M.2003.Evaluation of biosecurity applications for intensive shrimp farming.Aquacultural Engineering.28, 3-20.
Thompson, M., Sylvia, G.and Morrissey, M.T. 2005.Seafood Traceability in the United States: Current Trends, system design and potential applications.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 1, 1-7.
World Health Organization (WHO). 1999.Food Safety Issues associated with Products from Aquaculture.WHO Technical Report Series.883. Geneva.68 p.